VB6 and 482 Printer errors (Hello 1998)

Recently at my day job I was called in to check out an issue that sprung up after a new printer driver was installed. My first thoughts were “Oh, they can’t print now; let’s back-level the drivers.” Of course, I work with a great bunch of folks, and that had already been tried and the problem was still there. Ah, well that mea.. what?

Visual Studio Productivity, you're doing it wrong (Ctrl+])

So, I was working through an old project today and encountered a method that was about 200(!!) lines long. The code is in a dire need of refactoring and I set down the stupid path of doing so.

I'm speaking at Orlando Code Camp

I was just accepted the other day to speak at the Orlando Code Camp for my topic on OWASP Top 10 Security. This is the third time I’ve delivered this presentation and I’m still excited about it. Security is not overlooked by anyone today and developers who are just getting into MVC or even seasoned professionals need to take a look at how they approach it.

Slides available from South Florida Code Camp

Thanks everyone for coming out to my two sessions at South Florida Code Camp, I had a great time speaking! I met some great folks out there in the community and was excited to see how many people are active in learning and keeping their skills relevant.

I'm speaking at South Florida Code Camp

I was just accepted the other day to speak at the South Florida Code Camp for two topics: OWASP Top 10 Security and Load Testing with Azure. This should be a great time. I feel pretty honored to be among some great leaders in the industry.